

Och夫人学院 (originally named Solomon Schechter Day School of Essex and Union) was founded in 1965 and was one of 70 Solomon Schechter Day Schools in the United States and Canada, and became the only Pre-K through 12th grade Solomon Schechter school. Our founders believed that an excellent education for Jewish students should include a grounding in the culture, 历史, 和犹太教的语言, 他们创造了一个充满活力和严格的双重课程.
Students at the school were raised in the twin traditions of academic excellence and love of Judaism and Israel. 学校在最初的12年里不断发展壮大, expanding from a primary school to a full-fledged academy educating students from Kindergarten through the 12th grade. 1977年,永利总站第一个毕业班毕业了. The school currently occupies two campuses in West Orange, located about two miles apart.

感谢戈尔达·奥奇一家的慷慨解囊, 学校于2010年更名为戈尔达·奥奇学院. 每个毕业班, 永利总站的学生继续进入顶尖的学院和大学, moving into realms of leadership and achieving success in fields from law and medicine to finance and government. Our students and 校友 have embodied the dream of excellence that began in 1965 when the school was born.
“Solomon Schechter is the place where I first realized that Judaism didn’t belong in a box. 塔纳赫课并不是律法唯一重要的时候, 神不是只有在民言的时候才重要, Neshama并不是以色列唯一重要的时刻. My time at Schechter is when I began to realize that all of those things should be woven throughout each day, 事实上,在永利总站的一生中.”
——seffi Kogen '09




    • Learn how Och夫人学院 went from its founding as Solomon Schechter Day School of Essex and Union in 1965 to the preeminent preparatory school in 新泽西 for Pre-K through 12th grade Jewish education.


    • Och夫人

12月6日, 2010, Solomon Schechter Day School of Essex and Union was officially named Och夫人学院. 戈尔达·奥克和她的丈夫,奥克博士. Michael Och, were among the founders of the Solomon Schechter Day School of Essex and Union in 1965.

Until her death on January 10, 2010, Och夫人 was involved in the life of the school on many levels. “Golda did it all – she took on every role here and brought her incredible energy and commitment to every aspect of the school,前校长拉比乔伊斯·雷诺说. Och夫人 played a pivotal part in our school’s development, taking on many positions over the years. She served three terms as Board President from 1979 to 1982 and was the school’s business manager for 10 years. 夫人. Och also taught Jewish 历史 and was a president of the Parents’ Association. 她的三个孩子——丹尼尔, 苏珊和乔纳森在谢克特上学, 还有她九个孙子中的一个, 艾米丽, 2013年毕业.
除了她的正式角色,夫人. 奥克是一位有价值的顾问, respected mentor and beloved friend to generations of Schechter leaders, 老师, 家庭和学生. “Och夫人 personified everything that is best in our school,” said Rabbi Raynor. “She inspired both her students and her colleagues to strive to reach their potential. 通过她的个人诚信, 值, 伦理与智慧, 戈尔达·奥克是所有认识她的人的榜样.”

Och夫人 was born in Montreal, Canada; she moved to the United States in 1957. At the time of her death, she had lived in Maplewood, 新泽西 for 44 years. 夫人. Och was a long-time member of Congregation Beth El in South Orange where she served on the board. 她毕业于犹太神学院的阿尔伯特. List College joint program with Columbia University; she also held a master’s degree in Jewish 历史 from JTS.

Och夫人 and her husband were members of the Herskowitz Society of MetroWest, established in 2008 by the MetroWest Day School Campaign to recognize donors making significant endowment commitments to the community’s day schools. 此外,夫人. Och chaired the MetroWest Maxine Fischer Scholarship Committee for 2007 and 2008 and served on the MetroWest Women’s Philanthropy board for many years.
