

随着对STEM(科学, 技术, 工程和数学)作为国家重点, Golda Och学院 is dedicated to providing its students with the tools and foundation of a solid STEM education to succeed in these disciplines.


The math and science education I received in high school prepared me to succeed as a pre-med student.


用永利总站亲身实践的学习方法, 卓越的教师和最先进的设施, students in all grades are exposed to STEM from exploration and discovery in our science labs and outdoor gardens to creating and 设计ing projects in our Dr Lynne B Harrison STEM Center.


  • 设施

    高中开设了新的三级, state-of-the-art Dr Lynne B Harrison STEM Center in Fall 2015. Two levels of the building are dedicated to STEM and offer space for a full competition field for the 机器人技术团队, 项目建设专用区域, additional 3D printers and a fully-stocked workshop with tools and instruments for students, 包括激光切割机和CNC路由器.
  • 较低的学校

    Every student has the opportunity to participate in Golda Och学院's STEM clubs and enrichment programs, 在课间休息时开会, 午餐或放学后. 在低年级, 四年级和五年级的学生可以加入STEM俱乐部,  which meets once a week to work on engineering projects. Club members primarily work in small groups to build, 设计, 测试和改进他们面对挑战的解决方案.
  • 上学校

    永利总站在高中提供的课程包括数学俱乐部, 机器人技术团队, Science Enrichment club and Excellence 2000 (E2K) program. All 上学校 students can participate in the Science Enrichment club, which meets on a weekly basis and competes in the 新泽西 Science Olympiad, Toshiba ExploraVision and other competitions during the year. Our new observatory is fully computerized and students will be able to queue observations that will run autonomously at night. 9分.25英寸的光学望远镜和精密的照相机, our setup will be able to image planets and even distant galaxies. 
  • 高中STEM项目

    The Dr Lynne B Harrison 高中 STEM program is a three-and-a-half-year sequence of courses that students can elect to take in addition to the required science and mathematics coursework. 通过团队合作和实践, 基于项目的学习, 学生培养重要的解决问题的能力. They use the engineering 设计 process to become innovative thinkers and self-confident in their ability to be independent learners. Students have access to the state-of-the-art tools and technology in our STEM center, 包括3D打印机, 激光切割机, 和一台CNC路由器, and are encouraged to use every tool at their disposal to bring their ideas to life.



  • 9年级

    Students learn how to use professional 设计 software and cutting-edge fabrication technology such as 3D printing and laser cutting to create custom parts and multi-component assemblies that fulfill a specific purpose.
  • 10年级

    Students learn to build and program electronic devices that interact with the world around them, 感知环境, 处理这些信息, 然后执行一些动作.
  • 11年级

    第三年:创业 & Capstone项目
    学生们分组进行研究, 设计, 并实施自我定义的创造性解决方案, 现实世界的问题,透过镜头 更美好 (修复世界). As they develop their ideas and build prototypes that attempt to solve the problem they chose to address, students also learn entrepreneurial skills such as branding, 推销他们的想法, 和市场营销. These capstone projects are presented at CIJE Innovation Day in the Spring.
  • 12年级

    Students work on a class capstone project for the GOA community using the engineering 设计 process and the skills they have acquired throughout the program (i.e computer aided 设计, various fabrication techniques, computer programming, etc.)
  • Capstone项目

    Working in teams of 2-3, students create a project which addresses a real-world need or problem. 学生研究他们的想法, 提出一个设计方案, 建立一个原型或完整的功能系统, 然后整理一份最终报告和报告.



  • 尼娜 Bilmes的照片

    尼娜 Bilmes 

  • 希拉 Kelmanovich的照片

    Dr. 希拉 Kelmanovich 

  • Paul-Michael Huseman的照片

    Paul-Michael Huseman 

    Schedule and Assessment Coordinator, 9年级 Team Lead, and Science 教师, 上学校
  • 安德鲁 米特的照片

    安德鲁 米特 

    美国电影学院- MFA

Dr Lynne B Harrison STEM中心的历史