
Israel Education

From Pre-Kindergarten to 12th grade, Golda Och学院帮助永利总站的学生培养对以色列国和犹太复国主义的热爱和支持,这将成为他们成年后犹太人身份的核心部分.
"Through GOA’s transformative trips, Na’ale and Neshama, 我能够与以色列建立联系,不仅因为它是唯一的犹太民主国家, but as the historical and rightful homeland of the Jewish people. I know that my love for Israel, fostered by GOA, 能帮助我与这片土地保持牢固的关系,这片土地对我作为一个美国人和犹太人的生存至关重要."
— Harris Mevorah ‘15

List of 2 members.

  • Photo of Meirav Kallush

    Rabbi Meirav Kallush 

    Lower School Rabbi in Residence, Director of Israel Education
    Hebrew University of Jerusalem - BA, MA
    Hebrew Union College, Jerusalem (HUC-JIR) - Rabbinic Ordination
  • Photo of Robert Kahn

    Rabbi Robert Kahn 

    Israel Field Operations Manager
    Brandeis University - BA
    University of Judaism - MHL
    Jewish Theological Seminary of America - Rabbinic Ordination

Lower School

永利总站的低年级学生定期与永利总站社区的Rishonim见面, 年轻的以色列使者,他们在开始服兵役之前,正在MetroWest参加为期一年的服务. Rishonim带领学生完成一个连续的课程,一直到9年级, teaching students about every facet of Israel. The program is infused with music, movies, art, 以及庆祝活动,所有这些都有助于加深永利总站学生对以色列的了解和欣赏. 低年级以色列俱乐部加强了年轻学生和以色列之间的关系,并允许与以色列有关的领导经验. 每周希伯来午餐和以色列课间休息是练习希伯来语的机会, 与利沙宁接触,建立对自己和知识的信心.

Middle School

在他们的中学时代,学生们继续与永利总站的Rishonim会面. 中学以色列俱乐部为学生提供了许多领导经验,并有机会听取以色列游客到永利总站学校以及永利总站的高中生关于他们在Na 'ale上的以色列旅行经历, our 9th grade Israel trip, and Neshama, our three-month program for seniors. Building on students' lower school experience, 永利总站继续提供有趣的希伯来语口语练习与利沙尼姆作为希伯来语课程的一部分. Infusing music, arts, 政治和历史这一次与里沙尼姆是加深联系的机会, adding another layer to the Gesher Chai (活的桥梁)在利沙宁和永利总站的学生练习希伯来语的同时.  

High School

Israel – In Our Neshama (soul)!

Israel Education begins and ends with visits to Israel, 这些经历为他们的高中生涯奠定了基调,并使以色列成为他们未来的一部分.

Na’ale, our 10-day trip for 9th graders serves as a shared experience, 为学生提供亲身了解以色列的机会. 这次旅行通过不同学科的活动和课程计划融入到课程中, and our students often refer back to it in their Hebrew, Judaic and general studies. 在Na 'ale期间,永利总站与以色列同行建立了生活桥梁联系, 这种联系是在他们高中时期通过riishonim和在以色列和美国的聚会(mifgashim)建立起来的.

Neshama是一个为期一学期的教育项目,首先在波兰学习一周,然后在以色列学习12周,这是Golda Och学院经历的顶峰. During their stay in Israel, students hike, volunteer in communities, participate in different workshops, engage in seminars on political advocacy and visit major historical, religious and cultural sites. The Neshama program enables students to perfect their Hebrew skills, 目睹和了解当前的政治问题,并将这片土地作为他们的教室来研究犹太历史.

以色列俱乐部的学生领袖致力于提高永利总站社区对以色列相关问题的认识. They lead programs about Israel, host Israelis, 并教育永利总站的学生和社区了解以色列的时事. Israel Club students collaborate with Israel-related organizations, such as the Consulate General of Israel, Global Connections of Greater MetroWest, AIPAC, Stand With Us and others.
    • Neshama, the annual senior three-month trip to Poland and Israel, 是Golda Och学院有意义的体验式学习的核心.

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